Frequently Asked Questions

Tolls and Discounts

What are the toll policy goals of the 405 Express Lanes?

The OCTA Board of Directors (Board), which is leading the freeway improvement project, voted to adopt a number of goals that would guide the development and implementation of the 405 Express Lanes toll policy. The goals focus on providing express lanes customers with a reliable commute while optimizing the number of cars that can utilize the lanes at free-flow speeds, and encouraging ridesharing and transit use.

The complete list of board-adopted 405 Express Lanes goals:

  • Provide express lanes customers with a safe, reliable, predictable commute.
  • Optimize throughput at free-flow speeds.
  • Increase average vehicle occupancy.
  • Balance capacity and demand to serve customers who pay tolls as well as people who rideshare or use transit.
  • Generate sufficient revenue to sustain the financial viability of the express lanes.
  • Ensure all covenants in the financing documents are met.
  • Ensure any potential net excess toll revenues are used for Interstate 405 corridor improvements.

The 405 Express Lanes will use congestion management pricing. This type of pricing was pioneered on the 91 Express Lanes, also operated by OCTA.

Congestion management pricing is designed to optimize express lanes traffic at free-flow speeds. To accomplish this OCTA monitors hourly traffic volumes. Tolls are increased when traffic volumes consistently reach a trigger point where traffic flow can become unstable. If traffic drops below the optimal traffic volume, tolls are lowered to encourage usage.

The tolls can vary by hour, day of the week and direction of travel. Traffic volumes are continuously monitored and if warranted, tolls are adjusted quarterly. This approach balances traffic engineering with good public policy and gives customers an opportunity to know the toll price before they make their trip.

Didn’t find the answer that you were looking for?

Contact Customer Service using the options below.

In Person
405 Express Lanes Customer Service Center

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday

OCTA Store

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday


Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday

Email Address

Mailing Address
405 Express Lanes
P.O. Box 2177
Costa Mesa, CA 92628